What an amazing sky greeted us at Sudbrook – where the Severn Tunnel Pumping Station works constantly to allow the trains to run under the river. An obvious candidate for a Black & White shot; but the colour one’s not bad as well. The perched stone atop the ruined Holy Trinity Church attracts the eye – somehow I don’t think it’s there as a consequence of decay, more likely local youths have placed it there – before the site was fenced off. [Thanks for the camera-sized hole in the fence, by the way.] At Black Rock, a number of interesting shots with the salt marsh, abandoned wellies and interesting mooring rings – great colours!

The pictures can also be seen in a Flickr album with the EXIF data.
The “piece de resistance” for me was my panorama shot of the bridge taken using tripod and L-bracket. I stitched 5 portrait format images together to get loads of sky and foreground as well. The key thing was getting the tripod absolutely level, shooting in manual, and then allowing plenty of overlap. I’m just happy that I’ve got that technique nailed – another one struck off the list – thanks to David Taylor.

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