Tag: 2019
The return of the fisheye
It’s become a bit of a favourite lens just recently. There’s not a shoot I go out on that I don’t just pop the lens in my pocket – just in case. I’m always looking for different applications of it. Shots which you just couldn’t have got any other way, and ones that in some…
No permission needed …
A bit of fun really. The ducks were feeding from the spillway as the water left the lake, I wanted to get one with it’s beak in the “silky water”, but after I’d initially seen them doing just that, they steadfastly refused to take up position again. So I changed tack and as the post…
Autumn in Roath Park
It would be a shame not to record autumn in Cardiff. Perhaps not the best for colours, but still a lovely sight. So here are a couple of shots taken in Roath Park in mid-November which I’m reasonably happy with. The one above is taken looking towards the rose garden, the one below (in…