Entering Wistman's Wood in the mist

Wistman’s Wood – escaping the rain

The next day, Wednesday, was an almost total wash-out. We tried Widdecombe and the church, but it was wet outside and we had to retire to the cafe. We went back to Princetown to a different cafe for lunch. We all got soaked walking up to Dartmoor Prison Museum and some went into it. We retired to the inn and did a little bit of Lightroom chatting.

So the next day, our last full day, we set off for Wistman’s Wood. A legendary bit of ancient woodland managed and cared for by the Woodland Trust. Quite a hike to get to it – I wish I hadn’t carried all my camera gear – been a bit more selective – but once there and having got acclimatised to the strange, eery atmosphere inside the wood, it was shutter and stumble as we picked our way across the mossy boulders.

Here’s a gallery of the better shots that I took …

Meow Gallery: The gallery is empty.

After lunch at Princetown … again, we tried another location in the afternoon – Whiteworks – an abandoned mining site. A few interesting possibilities – mostly micro-landscapes – but our hearts were not in it. The weather had got the better of our spirits. A great shame. I’ll have to go back another time when I can choose the time according to a decent weather forecast. We didn’t manage to visit a single tor!


2 responses to “Wistman’s Wood – escaping the rain”

  1. Jim Bartlett avatar
    Jim Bartlett

    I really like ‘Entering Wistman’s Wood’, David. I’m afraid the B&W images don’t do anything for me though.

    1. Thank you Jim, I tend to agree with you. I was desperate to get something from the week and I was trying everything. I thought that the B&W might add some atmosphere, but maybe not!

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