Lightning at Pagham Beach

Lightning at Pagham Beach

[Click on an image to scroll through them in full screen and see the EXIF data as well.]

There are some who specialise in this sort of thing, and I admire them hugely. Some hurtle across the interior of the USA just to capture twisters and lightning strikes. In the UK this sort of thing is difficult to capture, it’s a serendipity kind of thing. You might be in the right place at the right time, but have you got your camera with you?

On this occasion, I was in the right place, at the right time to capture a lightning storm occurring over the English Channel off the coast at Pagham Beach, near Chichester. I of course took multiple shots, had the camera in burst mode and was shooting more by hope than intention, until I decided it was important to capture more than the lightning strike. So I focussed on the sun lounger, got the settings right for that, and then just waited for something to happen. Luckily it did as you can see above.


3 responses to “Lightning at Pagham Beach”

  1. Leonard Smith avatar
    Leonard Smith

    This is quite a challenge and I think it can sometimes be more good luck than anything else. You need patience and lots of it. The chances are you will see lightening when you don’t have your camera with you. It’s a great subject and the pictures can be really good.
    It reminds me of photographing birds. They rarely do what you want them to do. That’s photography and I think it’s best not to expect too much and when you get the picture you want then you can celebrate.

  2. jane hack avatar
    jane hack

    Great photos. Full of “mood”

  3. Thanks Jane & Len. I was quietly happy with the shots. I think the sun lounger makes the shot.

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