A selection of images taken on a lovely sunny November day on the theme of “shapes” – a Cardiff U3A Photography Group “photoshoot”.

I’m not sure whether this shot was a success; nice and sharp in the lens ball, but difficult to see what it actually was!!

There’s quite a media village in Cardiff Bay now and the frontage of the building certainly hits the target for the theme of “shapes”. The a bit further on up the Roath Basin, there’s this rather strange “building’ on stilts. What is it?

Near to the old lock gates there’s this great chain …

… then at the end of Roath Basin there’s this terrific sculpture picked out so well by the sun. Everyone knows that Cardiff was the centre of coal exporting in years gone by, this statue is a tribute to the miners.

At the end of my walk I ventured into Roald Dahl Plas and got the fisheye lens out. Up until then I’d just been using a prime 24mm f1.4 lens and was delighted at how sharp the images were. First the predictable “Torchwood” shot …

… and then a more abstract shot of the side of the Millenium Centre.

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