Category: Photoshop
Sky replacement – your choice?
There was something about this view that somehow made me think “there’s an image there, if only I can find it”. So in post-processing I did just that, I cropped it, and enhanced the sky a little and got the image I wanted. I published it to Flickr … However, I got the comment that…
Focus stacking
Volunteering to do a short spot on focus stacking at a u3a afternoon Photography session yesterday, I showed the following sequence of pictures of some orchids using a tripod and a macro lens … [Please note I didn’t edit the images prior to applying the software which I should have done. I could have removed…
Wow! Photoshop delivers Super Resolution and Sky Replacement
There’s not much that I need/want to do in post-processing that I can’t do in Lightroom, but with the latest release of Photoshop 2021 two features have been introduced which have introduced a “wow factor”. Both are upgrades to the Adobe Camera RAW engine (which sits under both Photoshop and Lightroom), but neither are available…